Integrial Media Launches: MAKE VIA RAIL ACCESSIBLE BY 2012!
Canada's train which travels across the country is not accessible to all Canadians. Particularly not to wheelchair users. In March 2010 Catherine Frazee, co-curator of the Out from Under: Disability, History and Things to Remember exhibition, was forced to travel from Toronto to Vancouver via the USA train service AMTRAK. As VIA RAIL could not accommodate her. She was bringing the Out from Under exhibition, to participate as part of the Paralympic Cultural Olympiad in Vancouver 2010. After some publicity around our inaccessible national train service, VIA RAIL sent a letter of apology to Ms Frazee, and the Vancouver Sun. At a reception in Vancouver for the Human Rights Museum, Catherine Frazee, challenged VIA RAIL to be fully accessible by 2012, when the Museum opens in Winnipeg.
Join us on Facebook, tell us about the trip you DIDN'T take because you COULDN'T get on the train or the trip you would like to take, when you can. Or just become a fan of: