Matching ambient music - featuring the sounds of water, chimes, and Tibetan singing bowls; with mind relaxing visuals – colors, water, fish, flowers; Meg Torwl's computer installations offer a quiet journey, to rest the mind, emotions, body and soul.
Tiarika: 5 minutes looped. 2008.
Submerge yourself in an underwater journey, close up with rainbow parrot fish (ika), pink sea urchins, blue lipped clams, and purple star fish, emerging into violet lotus flowers (tiare), yellow frangipani, red hibiscus blossoms, green taro leaves and blue skies, of Rarotonga. Music: Spacious by Tony Riparetti and Micheal Gibian, water and chimes.
AQWAI: 11.5 minutes looped. 2006
AQUA - WATER - WAI - WATER - AWA - RIVER. AQWAI opens in Vancouver’s Fall with abstract images of rain, reflecting on leaf-filled puddles, winter Sunshine Coast beaches, lakes, and snow. To spring at the seas edge on Ayhus Island, light playing on the ocean floor, sea grass and shellfish beds, taking us underwater to Hawaiian coral and fish. Drawing to a close in summer, with the pebbled alpine streams, of Manning Park BC; Tongariro National Park, and Te Waipounamu - Aotearoa. Music: Spacious by Tony Riparetti and Micheal Gibian; water and chimes.
Singing Bowls: 40 minutes looped. 2004
Singing Bowls is a new media computer meditation installation utilizing the programs MaxMSP and Jitter to create a liquid music effect. The on screen colors pulse through a range of tones for each color of the rainbow, in time with the music - which is creating the color – as pitch, rhythm, and volume, are attached to red, green or blue. Creatively it is structured around chakra, (energy centers on the body) comprising 7 pieces of music - each 5 minutes long - one for each chakra. Each piece of music is composed for, and uses a Tibetan singing bowl for each chakra. The colors which appear on screen correspond to the color for each chakra, beginning with red and moving through the rainbow to violet. Singing bowls begins and ends with a 3 minute piece of music for all chakra, which creates all the colors of rainbow. Music: Tibetan Chakra Meditations by Ben Scott & Christa Michell, singing bowls, flute, triangle.
Tiarika: 5 minutes looped. 2008.
Submerge yourself in an underwater journey, close up with rainbow parrot fish (ika), pink sea urchins, blue lipped clams, and purple star fish, emerging into violet lotus flowers (tiare), yellow frangipani, red hibiscus blossoms, green taro leaves and blue skies, of Rarotonga. Music: Spacious by Tony Riparetti and Micheal Gibian, water and chimes.
AQWAI: 11.5 minutes looped. 2006
AQUA - WATER - WAI - WATER - AWA - RIVER. AQWAI opens in Vancouver’s Fall with abstract images of rain, reflecting on leaf-filled puddles, winter Sunshine Coast beaches, lakes, and snow. To spring at the seas edge on Ayhus Island, light playing on the ocean floor, sea grass and shellfish beds, taking us underwater to Hawaiian coral and fish. Drawing to a close in summer, with the pebbled alpine streams, of Manning Park BC; Tongariro National Park, and Te Waipounamu - Aotearoa. Music: Spacious by Tony Riparetti and Micheal Gibian; water and chimes.
Singing Bowls: 40 minutes looped. 2004
Singing Bowls is a new media computer meditation installation utilizing the programs MaxMSP and Jitter to create a liquid music effect. The on screen colors pulse through a range of tones for each color of the rainbow, in time with the music - which is creating the color – as pitch, rhythm, and volume, are attached to red, green or blue. Creatively it is structured around chakra, (energy centers on the body) comprising 7 pieces of music - each 5 minutes long - one for each chakra. Each piece of music is composed for, and uses a Tibetan singing bowl for each chakra. The colors which appear on screen correspond to the color for each chakra, beginning with red and moving through the rainbow to violet. Singing bowls begins and ends with a 3 minute piece of music for all chakra, which creates all the colors of rainbow. Music: Tibetan Chakra Meditations by Ben Scott & Christa Michell, singing bowls, flute, triangle.
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